Am 7. Mai 2019 wandte sich eine amerikanische Journalistin des Portals “Bloomberg” an VERNUNFTKRAFT. :
Hello, I am a journalist with Bloomberg Environment. I am working on an article about the decline in new wind turbine projects in Germany in the first quarter of the year:
I am planning to mention Vernunftkraft’s opposition to the wind projects and wanted to see if you would like to provide a comment for the article?
C… D…
Bloomberg BNA Germany Correspondent
Selbstverständlich waren wir sehr gerne bereit, unsere Einschätzung kundzutun! Nach einigen Mails war klar, in welcher Länge und in welchem Format dies gewünscht würde. Dem Wunsch kamen wir mit diesem Kommentar nach:
Here’s our comment. In case you need to shorten, the section in brackets could be omitted. If you have space I could provide a graph to support the arguments. Our opinion is very clear: If the proliferation of new turbines finally came to a halt, this would be a blessing in three respects – for nature, for humans, and the economy! Already, with installed capacity around 52 Gigawatt (some 30,000 turbines), the production data clearly show that benefits of wind power are heavily oversold, while the damage becomes ever more manifested. Physics are merciless: When there’s no wind, there’s no wind power – no matter how many turbines are added. To make up for the weather-dependence, an equally-sized back-up capacity needs to be maintained and financed. When there is lots of wind, the turbines generate excess power, which has to be disposed of to keep the grid stable. Current data continues to support the long-held theory: fluctuations do not balance out but rather add up. Already, they are far overtaxing the electricity grid. On Easter Monday, for example, we dumped abroad electricity with a subsidy value of €115 million against a disposal fee of €17 million. The total economic loss of €132 million on that day alone does not yet include the losses of conventional power plant operators, who have to feed in their electricity at negative prices to prevent a grid collapse. As a consequence of these follies, electricity prices have been skyrocketing, while landscapes and natural reserves have been sacrificed at unforeseen scale and speed to create room for the wind industry to flourish. [Concepts such as power-to-gas do not reduce but exacerbate the problem. If one really wanted to bridge the dark lulls (i.e. times of neither wind nor sun) with power plants fired with methane gas, the production capacities to cover the physically insurmountable storage losses would have to be doubled, requiring 200,000 wind turbines for Germany alone for a reliable electricity supply. This balance does not even include the electricity consumption of electrified transport. You can mix wind power, biomass, and solar energy as you like, the consumption of land and resources is vertiginous when you consider that in our densely populated country only about 12% of the land outside a 1000m zone around the villages is available. Every spot of nature will have to be sacrificed. All human habitats will turn into industrial zones. The country will become next to inhabitable.] No wonder, the Wall Street Journal labelled Germany’s the world’s dumbest energy policy. To the extent that this craze comes to a halt, Vernunftkraft – the confederation of more than 900 local resistance groups – will happily breathe a sigh of relief. |
Leider hat die Journalistin keine Möglichkeit gefunden, unsere erbetene Einschätzung irgendwo einfließen zu lassen. Auch für eine kurze Antwort auf unsere Frage, ob und wo mit einer (auszugsweisen) Veröffentlichung gerechnet werden dürfe, fehlte ihr leider die Zeit. Umso wichtiger, dass wir alle immer wieder unsere Meinung und unser Wissen kundtun – auf dass es nicht länger “übersehen” werden kann.